Saturday, December 21, 2013

Everyt'ing's irie, mon!

It's been a while since last I wrote, but I've been a little busy planning and packing for my marriage in Jamaica. Everything went off perfectly well and my bride K and I are happily snoozing off all of the lobster that we ate tonight. If you haven't been to Jamaica yet, get on the plane tomorrow. This place is paradise!

Because we love words so much, we wrote our own vows and I'd like to share them with y'all.

My Vows

You put me at ease. You take me at face value and accept my quirks and peculiarities (as annoying as they can sometimes be). You are unerringly kind and help me to be a better person. You make me feel as though I belong here with you.

I promise to love you.

I promise that I will always try to understand you and empathize with you. I may not always succeed, but I will try.

I promise to support you, even if I don't always agree with you.

I promise to lend you my strength and resolve when you need them.

I promise to scrape the car windows when it's cold and mow the lawn when it's hot.

I promise to lift heavy things for you and reach the things that are on the top shelf.

We'll have a long happy life together. I see us sitting on a porch, watching dogs play and palm trees sway. While we will have to work, our down time will be filled with plays and concerts. Foreign lands will call to us and we will answer the call bravely! It won't always be easy, but it'll always be worthwhile. I'm happy and proud to call you my wife, Karen.

K's Vows

You wooed me with websites on William Shakespeare and Dr. Seuss...then held me with your gentle heart and open mind.

You listen to me and remind me that life is way more fun when I don't take myself too seriously. You lend me your strength when I need it.

I promise to always laugh like a loon when you do that goofy dance just for me.

I promise to always hold your hand even when you don't realize you need it.

My own brand of superhero; your mind thrills me, your heart warms me and your arms...well, we hang onto each other. I will always love you, Spencely-Man.

With you, I fit.

That's it for this evening, gentle readers. Hope you are gearing up for the holidays and enjoying your family. If you need me, I'll be floating in the Caribbean Sea, full of seafood and rum.

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